Friday, November 30, 2012

Candy Canes in My Coffee ♥

I've heard of heard a lot of people put candy canes or peppermint schnapps in their hot chocolate, but you know what else is really good?

Letting candy canes dissolve in your morning coffee!  It's like a peppermint mocha with more of a coffee taste so that the sugary sweetness of it doesn't completely overwhelm your senses.  Plus, as the candy cane dissolves, you can use it as a stir stick, which I kind of think is amazing. :)

If you haven't guessed by now, I love putting candy canes in just about anything edible/drinkable around this time of year, so you can certainly look forward to more candy cane recipes in the month of December!

Have you tried Candy Cane Coffee?  What do you think?


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